686 Men’s GORE-TEX SMARTY 3-in-1 Gauntlet Glove


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SKU: 8957506893968404111 Category:


The 686 Men’s GORE-TEX SMARTY 3-in-1 Gauntlet Glove is the perfect choice for all of your intense winter adventures. These gloves are designed to be able to take on the elements thanks to their impressive and innovative construction featuring a GLCR Base shell and GORE-TEX waterproof/breathable glove inserts. The Light Fill, insulation and Micro Tricot lining are sure to help keep your hands warm and toasty throughout the day. Meanwhile, the Hex-Grip palm works to keep a tight and solid grip on anything you’re looking to grasp. This brilliant glove system features a removable merino wool blend liner. Enjoy all of your winter adventures while wearing the 686 Men’s GORE-TEX SMARTY 3-in-1 Gauntlet Glove.