If ticks are a problem in your neck of the woods, then apply Ben’s Tick Fence Backyard Tick Control Spray to your property and enjoy a tick-free zone for you, your family, and your pets. To create a tick barrier, apply Ben’s Tick Fence around your home’s windows, doors, screens, patio, or any space where these pests might enter. This insect repellent protects against the deer tick, lone star tick, brown dog tick, American dog tick, and the black legged tick. It also repels the Asian lady beetle, boxelder bug, brown marmorted stick bug, and the regular stick bug. The built-in sprayer makes backyard tick control easy. This 1-gallon container of Ben’s Tick Fence Backyard Tick Control Spray covers approximately 750-1,000′. Manufacturer model #: 0006-7340. Creates a tick-free zone for you, your family, and your pets; Protects against multiple species of ticks; Repels multiple kinds of other insects; Easy to use and apply; Covers approximately 750-1,000′;