Big Moss Pro Path Practice Putting Green


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Big Moss Golf Pro Path Practice Green – 1’5″ x 4’10” New for 2010! The Big Moss Golf Pro Path Practice Green 1’5″ x 4’10”. Tired of missing short putts? We all have times when we just can’t seem to hole a short Putt. (5′ and in). No more giving away strokes on putts that you have to make and expect to make. Until now, no one has addressed the need to practice the putts that make the difference between a Good round and a Great round. The problem is at impact of the golf ball. If your putter is even 1 degree open, the ball will be pushed, or closed, its a pull. Ever Feel like your Putter Head is Moving Out,or In or Wobbling during the take away? We all do! When this happens we Lose our Confidence and miss short putts. Its Not Good! Your Playing Partners and Yourself are almost expecting you to miss the 3′ putt because you just missed a few short ones. NO MORE! Now you can See it, Feel it, and Fix it! Big Moss Golf has addressed this issue with the New Pro Path Practice Green. The Patent Pending Straight Path Design & Cross Line puts you in perfect Square position every time back and through the Putt. The Cross Line section will insure you are square to the intermediate target dot located 10″ in front of the impact zone. Just follow our instructions and practice tips and Stop Missing Short Putts!!! Highly Endorsed by PGA Teaching Professionals! Caution!! The Big Moss Pro Path Practice Green may cause Excessive Tipping of the Hat,High Fives,and Lower scores.