Daiwa Seaborg 800MJ Electric Reel – 62.8 oz.


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You’ll quickly appreciate the power and precision of these rugged, midsized power-assist reels. The Daiwa Seaborg 800MJ or 1200M Electric Reels are similarly equipped to take the strain off your back and shoulders when running kites and targeting deep saltwater fish. At the heart of these reels, the new Mega Torque motor delivers up to 1.3 times more pulling power than its predecessors, and is contained within a tough new aluminum composite housing that efficiently dissipates heat, ensuring maximum performance at all times. Powered by your 12V DC system; switchable Megatwin high/low gearing, plus manual-crank operation with 2.9:1 gear ratio; oversized SiC line guide to accommodate knots and hardware; Magsealed ball bearing to prevent saltwater intrusion; LCD readout with line counter and depth memory. Draws just 4-20 amps. Mega Torque motor delivers up to 1.3 times more winding power; Switchable Megatwin high/low gear modes; Connects to your 12V DC power source; Draws just 4-20 amps; LCD readout with line counter and depth memory; Corrosion-resistant Magsealed ball bearing; Oversized SiC line guide; Equipped with jog power lever and drag radiator; Can switch to manual cranking with 2.9:1 gear ratio;