Grivel Dark Machine X Ice Axe One Color, Total Ice Vario


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SKU: 4955501421627610 Category:


Suitable for steep ice climbs and extreme dry tooling, the Dark Machine X Ice Axe is a slightly longer version of the lightest T-rated tool for a technical performance that weighs a single pound. It’s the first in Grivel’s lineup to have a handle made out of carbon composite. Most light axes only use carbon in the shaft, which includes the Dark Machine X, except instead of using thicker, heavier carbon at the attachments, Grivel used carbon-wrapped aluminum to lighten up the weight while still ensuring proper stiffness for steep climbing. The ice pick is hot forged for a phenomenal strength-to-weight ratio, and it’s completely modular so you can replace the pick with another, or add adzes or hammers to the back.