Honey Stinger Protein Bar – 10g – 15 Pack


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SKU: 8383839553442954880


To keep things in perspective, bigger isn’t always better. Case in point, Honey Stinger’s 10g Protein Bars are about half the size of their 20g Protein Bars, which means they have half the amount of protein as the larger bars. As a result, this snack-sized bar is ideal if you don’t like to have big objects in your jersey pocket, backpack, or running vest, or if you simply don’t need that much food on your training loop. However, with the sheer amount of snack-sized bars in the world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by your options. So to break it down even further, a brief comparison model is necessary. In the spirit of differentiation, the Protein Bar is intended to be a meal replacement or after-workout recovery bar which makes it suitable for on-the-go nourishment (e. g. to be eaten during a run, bike ride, or long hike), while the Energy Bar is best suited as a snack alternative or before-or-during workout treat (e. g. post climbing session at the gym or a mid-afternoon snack in the office). In order to achieve its energetic effectiveness, the Honey Stinger 10g Protein Bars use nature’s energy food, organic honey, as the carbohydrate source. The part that makes honey great for endurance athletes is that it’s a just right 1:1 blend of fructose and glucose, two simple sugars that enter the bloodstream quickly to give you a rapid energizing effect as you exercise. The bars also include whey protein. It’s known to have the highest bio availability, so it also acts fast to work for your body. This protein is necessary for muscle recovery after strenuous endurance exercise. In addition to burning the stored glycogen in your muscles, your body will get 10-15% of its energy from the breakdown of amino acids in your muscles. You can avert this gluconeogenesis (sounds bad doesn’t it) and the weakened, sore muscles it causes by providing your body with protein as part of your endurance fuel.