Scientific Anglers Amplitude Infinity Salt Fly Line – Black/Sand/Horizon – 9


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When you need to get your fly way out there, you’ll love the Scientific AnglersĀ® Amplitude Infinity Fly Line. Featuring AST PLUS that provides incredible line slickness, this fly line shoots far, floats high, and remains free of salt, dirt, and gunk – that means a line 50% slicker than the original AST and as much as 200% more durable than competitive lines! But if you think this line stops at casting farther and lasting longer, brace yourself! Built a half-line-weight heavy, you’ll never have any problems turning over big, meaty flies, even on those windy days. A longer head lets you deliver flies with precision so you don’t spook those skittish fish. Shooting Texture on the running line maximizes distance, while Floating Texture on the tip section keeps the line floating high. A Tactile Reference Point (TRP) lets you see – and hear – when the line transitions from the head to the running line. Perfect for hitting the flats for bonefish or tarpon, the Scientific Anglers Amplitude Infinity Salt Fly Line features Tropi-Core technology that helps it maintain all its desirable traits in harsh tropical environments. Plus, a high-contrast sighter section makes it easy to see when you’re reaching the back of the line – convenient when you’re chasing fish known for making long, hard runs. Scientific Angler Line Identification (SA-ID) is located on the first 2′ of the tip section for quick, easy identification. Dual welded loops. AST PLUS provides incredible slickness; Sheds contaminants so it casts farther and lasts longer; Overweighted by a half so it can turn over hefty flies in the wind; Long head enhances accuracy, perfect for chasing on-edge fish; Shooting Texture delivers long casts; Floating Texture on the tip maximizes buoyancy; Tropi-Core technology excels in hot, humid tropical environments; SA-ID lets you easily identify the line; Welded loops on each end;