XXIO Prime Royal Edition Driver RH/10.5/XXIO PRIME SP-1200K graphite (Standard)/R


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The crown jewel of our majestically designed, luxuriously ultralightweight XXIO Prime Royal Edition family, this gilded Driver offers exalted performance for seasoned players with moderate swing speeds. From its elegant craftsmanship, exotic materials, and advanced Driver technologies to its exquisite detailing and regal feel, the XXIO Prime Royal Edition Driver is truly in a class of its own. Experience the Difference.FeaturesSTATE-OF-THE-ART MEETS WORK OF ARTState-of-the-art meets work of art with the all-new XXIO Prime Royal Edition. The stunning design and unmatched clubhead technologies make it the gold standard of luxury performance. Exotic materials and extremely ultralightweight construction make it our easiest to swing. Enjoy faster speed, enhanced distance, and straighter ball flight when you play XXIO Prime Royal Edition.REBOUND FRAMERebound Frame is an alternating pattern of stiff and flexible zones within every XXIO Prime Royal Edition club that focuses more of your impact energy into the golf ball. It increases ball speed and distance on every strike. On the XXIO Prime Royal Edition Driver, four alternating layers of stiff and flexible zones plus a new Super-TIX® 51AF Titanium Flat Cup Face expand the High COR area of each club face, maximizing power, ball speed, and distance.ACTIVWINGActivWing makes you more consistent by stabilizing XXIO Prime Royal Edition Drivers for better alignment at impact. By manipulating airflow with its airfoil shape—similar to those utilized by aircraft—ActivWing reduces clubhead bounce in the first half of your downswing. Just before impact, the airfoil generates lift, raising your clubhead and tightening your swing pattern for more sweet-spot strikes.LIGHTWEIGHT CLUBHEAD WITH HIGH MOINew XXIO Prime Royal Edition Drivers boast both a lighter clubhead and increased MOI—a remarkable achievement. A lighter club adds ease and comfort to your swing, while a higher MOI adds extreme forgiveness. The High MOI clubhead also enlarges the High COR area to produce straighter, more powerful distance, even on off-center shots.SpecificationsLOFTLIE ANGLEHEAD WEIGHTHEAD VOLUMECLUB LENGTHSWCLUB WEIGHTFLEXHAND9.5°60.0°187g460cc46″D1257gRRH10.5°60.0°187g460cc46″D1257gRRHFACE MATERIAL: Super-TIX® 51AF Premium, BODY MATERIAL: Ti-811 + SUS*Available in RH onlySP-1200K ROYAL EDITION GRAPHITENew, premium quality SP-1200K Royal Edition graphite shafts are constructed with high performance carbon fiber and advanced resin matrix. This formula results in extremely thin and lightweight graphite shafts with a cutting-edge combination of strength and flexibility.PRIME ROYAL EDITION SP-1200K GRAPHITE SHAFTFLEXWEIGHTTORQUELAUNCHIFCSP-1200K DRIVERR37g6.6MID-HIGH2321*Installed weightXXIO PRIME ROYAL EDITION WEIGHT PLUSThe XXIO Prime Royal Edition Weight Plus grip is an ultralightweight, all-rubber component fitted with our proprietary Weight Plus Technology—specifically calibrated for each club. Designed to stabilize your club path, Weight Plus helps create a more powerful downswing and hold a squarer face at impact.DRIVERFAIRWAYHYBRIDIRONWEIGHT25.5g*26.5g39g41gCORE SIZE0.64″0.64″0.64″0.64″*Driver uses a 2g grip weight